Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu – Your Go-To Hospital Clinic for Quality Services in Port Harcourt
Are you searching for a reliable hospital clinic to attend to your medical needs in Port Harcourt? Look no further – Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu is here to serve its customers well. Offering top quality medical services, this hospi tal clinic has gained a good reputation over the past few years.
About Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu
Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu is a high-tech and modernized hospital clinic located at the Port Harcourt region. This healthcare facility provides general care, emergency care, diagnostic imaging, and medical laboratory services. Here you will find skilled physicians and surgeons who are committed to delivering first-class medical services that are tailored according to your individual needs. The clinic also strives to adhere to the highest standards of care and safety when performing any kind of procedure or diagnosis on patients, ensuring maximum patient satisfaction with their services.
Medical Services Offered by Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu
If you’re looking for comprehensive health solutions under one roof, then look no further than Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu. This hospital clinic offers a range of therapies including dental treatments, physiotherapy sessions, gynecology examinations as well as minor surgeries such as laparoscopies and tonsillectomies. It covers complete antenatal and postnatal care for expecting mothers as well as keeping up with routine vaccinations for children. The entire team of experts work together towards providing holistic healthcare that goes beyond just physical healing but includes mental health assistance too.
Operational Days at Mizpah Medical Center Nkpogu
Mizpa h Medical Center operates according to the following schedule: from Mondays through Saturdays between 8am – 5pm, while it remains closed on Sundays and public holidays . You can also book appointments with the doctors by visiting the center itself or via telephone or online booking portals which are available 7 days a week from 8am -10pm
How To Reach Mizpa h Medica l Cen ter?
Mizpa h Medica l Cente r is conveniently located at Plot / House No 3541 Egbo Street off Elechi Beach Road ,N kpo gu Mai n Mar ket ,Port Ha rcour t , Rivers Sta te . H ead ing towa rds it i s quite simple w ith landmar ks leading every visitor right u p tot he front gate . With ample space fo r car parking facilities an d round the clock security guards ma nning the cent er makes i t even more secure .