About Zoe Dental Services
Zoe Dental Services is a hospital clinic located in Shop 4142 Oodua Shopping Complex on Idi Ape Rd in Ibadan, Nigeria. Our primary mission is to provide you with the finest quality dental care available. We strive to ensure that all our patients receive the highest standard of care possible, while providing an environment that is comfortable and welcoming. Our experienced team of dentists and staff are dedicated to helping you achieve your optimum oral health.
Medical Services Offered by Zoe Dental Services
At Zoe Dental Services we are committed to offering a full range of dental services, including general dentistry, periodontics and orthodontics. We specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the teeth, gums and jawbone structure. Whether you require basic checkups or more extensive treatments such as root canals and extractions – we are here to help keep your smile healthy!
On which Days is Zoe Dental Services Operational?
Our doors open from 8am – 6pm Monday through Friday and 9am – 2pm on Saturdays. Payment options include cash, credit cards (Visa/Mastercard) and payments via mobile wallets (Paytm).
How to Reach Zoe Dental Services?
To reach us by car from anywhere in Ibadan simply take Idi Ape Road south for approximately 5 km until you reach Shop 4142 Oodua Shopping Complex where you will find our clinic on the right side. If traveling by public transport then catch one of the regular buses from major locations around town that stops at Oodua Shopping Complex or alternatively join a danfo (minibus) from Iwo Road Orita Basorun en route Idi Ape roundabout where you can disembark at shop 4142 Oodua Shopping complex for easy access to our clinic.