De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite 006 Bahamas Plaza Plot 1080 Joseph Gomwalk St Gudu Location Abuja

De Lens Ophthlamics Abuja

De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite: Offering Comprehensive Medical Services

De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite at Plot 1080 Joseph Gomwalk St Gudu Location Abuja is a leading health care facility offering comprehensive medical services to patients. Established by the renowned doctors and health practitioners, the hospital clinic offers specialized treatment for vision related ailments such as eye irritation, headache, cataract, and glaucoma. The highly trained staff of De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite use cutting-edge technology and modern equipments to provide the best possible service with utmost care. Moreover, the qualified doctors also conduct extensive tests aimed at determining the cause and type of vision-related ailments of each patient.

On which days is De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite operational?

De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite is open from Mondays through Saturdays from 8am till 5 pm. The hospital clinic has special hours during public holidays when it serves exclusive emergency care services to all patients who need it. The clinic also offers telemedicine services throughout the week for patients who are unable to physically visit the hospital but require specialist consultations or for those who just want second opinions on complicated medical cases.

How can one reach De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite?

The De Lens Ophthlamics Vision Suite is located conveniently at Plot 1080 Joseph Gomwalk St Gudu Location Abuja where it can be easily found by any passerby or local resident seeking professional healthcare help from qualified medical professionals in optical ailments. For those untrained in navigating street locations, detailed maps of how to get here are readily available on our website with stepwise directions given from your home/office location using GPS coordinates while email support team along with helpline numbers are available 24/7 for assistance in understanding directions and queries related to our location.

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