Esic Forest Gate Dispensary is your neighbourhood hospital clinic that offers medical services to the residents of Forest Gate Mother Teresa Rd and its nearby areas. This convenient clinic ensures the satisfaction of customers through its highly qualified professionals and resources.
At Esic Forest Gate Dispensary, you can avail all sorts of services related to your physical and mental wellbeing. The medical staff present at the hospital will diagnose and provide basic treatments with utmost attention and care. They also provide vaccinations for many diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, polio etc. Besides that, they perform several minor surgeries for basic health issues like dental problems or hernia surgery etc.
The dispensary is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm where professional doctors are available at your service during this time period. In case an emergency arises out of hours, then fret not! The local hospital is equipped with an emergency ward that is open all night between 6:00 pm-8:00 am every day on a 24/7 basis for any inpatient or outpatient needs.
For access to the Esic Forest Gate Dispensary, simply head towards Mother Teresa Rd from Forest Gate Mother Teresa Rd respectively which is located 5 minutes away from there. And once you arrive at 16 Mother Teresa Rd, find directions easily by using Google maps or Apple maps feature just by typing in “Esic Forest Gate Dispensary” into search criteria to reach the destination without any hassle altogether!
So if you are looking for quality health care solutions delivered by experienced healthcare professionals in an organized manner then look no further than Esic Forest Gate Dispensary here in 16 Mother Teresa Rd, Forest Gate near Narengi Tinali Guwahati Assam 781026 India!