Government Hospital Main Road Bhore Panditpura Rampur (Bhore)
Do you want to access reliable healthcare services close to your locality? Government Hospital located at Main Road Bhore Panditpura, Rampur, Bhore is the answer to your problem. This government hospital caters to the treatment and care needs of the local population of the vicinity.
What Medical Services Are Offered By Government Hospital?
The medical team at this government hospital is highly skilled and experienced in providing quality care for various chronic conditions such as heart diseases, blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, kidney issues, etc. Other medical services include diagnostic tests like CT scan & X-ray , Immunization programs & preventive healthcare service along with daycare surgical &minor procedures.
On Which Days Is Government Hospital Operational ?
This Government Hospital is operational on all days of the week from 8 am to 6 pm i.e Monday through Sunday. It also offers emergency medical service beings available 24×7 which helps catering those individuals who need specialized care during an unexpected medical situation or emergency health crisis beyond normal business hours or on weekends and holidays.
How To Reach The Government Hospital ?
Government Hospital located in Main Road Bhore Panditpura Rampur (Bhore )is quite easy to reach by either public transport or personal vehicle as it lies in close proximityto nearby villages . Moreover free transportation services are provided for patients comingin case of any crisis or emergency situations from nearby area by e-rickshaw’s etc. If anyone wants to avail this convenient facility they need to contact at given number over phone +91 841426 India for assistance regarding pick up and drop facilities from nearer place to this hospital premises..
In conclusion, apart from offering excellent acute and long term care solutionsby its a team of qualified professionals ,GovernmentHospital situated atMain Road BhorePanditpura Rampur (Bhore)provides doorstep delivery services ‘for convenienceof the needypatient’s who can take benefitof its impeccablecaringandcurative facility without compromising their safety and well-being at just few steps awayfrom home .