Kwara State Civil Service Hospital is a state-funded hospital located in the Gra area of Ilorin, Nigeria. This hospital clinic provides quality healthcare for all types of medical services to its citizens. In essence, Kwara State Civil Service Hospital stands out among hospitals in terms of its modern equipment and competent staff who ensure efficient service delivery to meet the medical needs of each patient.
At Kwara State Civil Service Hospital, we offer a range of services to ensure that our patients are well taken care off. These include general health assessments, as well as specialized care including dentistry, obstetrics &gynecology, and pediatrics, among others. We also provide payment options such as acceptance of insurance plans, referals from Ministry Of Health offices or any recognized institution approved by the government.
The Kwara State Civil Service Hospital is operational six days a week: Monday through Saturday from 8AM – 4PM; excluding Sunday and public holidays. Patients may access any hour within the working hours to receive their healthcare needs depending on their schedules or availability.
Patients looking for quality healthcare delivery can visit Kwara State Civil Service Hospital via Ilorin-Ilofa Road near Orole Aridi village (165 km from Minna Abuja)in Ogun state easily accessible via road transportation or by air ambulance service depending on their choice and budget constraints.
The staff at Kwara State Civil Service Hospital strive for excellence ensuring that all patients have access to affordable yet high quality health care in order to help them achieve good health outcomes. With its enviable infrastructure and experienced team in place supported by modern technology with state-of-the art facilities available at your disposal; you can be assured that receiving credible health care is easy at Kwara State civil service hospital Ilofa Road Gra Location Ilorin city!