Mercy City Ventures is a hospital clinic located in the heart of Abbatoir Agege Orile, in Lagos State. The clinic provides high-quality medical services that enable patients to access quality healthcare through personalized care and consultancy. The team at Mercy City Ventures comprises of experienced medical professionals with years of experience ranging from experienced surgeons to pediatricians and family doctors.
Medical Services Offered By Clinic
Mercy City Ventures offers a comprehensive range of health services designed to deliver quality and convenience for all ages and conditions. Whether you’re looking for preventive care or breast cancer screening, our specialized team can address your needs promptly and professionally. Other medical services include diagnosis and treatment of both minor and severe ailments, vaccinations, comprehensive physical examinations, laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging procedures such as X-Rays. For pregnant women who need more extensive prenatal care, we also provide pre-natal counseling as well as baby delivery all under one roof at Mercy City Ventures.
On Which Days Is Clinic Operational?
At Mercy City Ventures, we’re open Monday to Friday from 8am – 5pm allowing patients convenient access during normal working hours. We also strive to have same day appointments available for urgent medical interventions when required. Our experienced medical staff will be available on all days while on weekends we offer consulting services only.
How To Reach Clinic And Its Complete Address?
Reaching Mercy City Ventures is easy with convenient public transport options available nearby the clinic site itself including buses, trains, tricycles and taxis (Uber). The complete address is Shop 18 Block C Abibatu Mogaji Modern Market Abbatoir Agege Orile Location Lagos State Nigeria