Okelele Comprehensive Health Center is situated in Abayawo Rd 240101 Location Ilorin, Nigeria, and offers a wide range of medical services at affordable prices. At Okelele Comprehensive Health Center you will find excellent medical care for a wide array of common ailments. From general illnesses to chronic diseases, the staff is always available to ensure your good health and well-being.
If you’re looking for medical assistance in Ilorin city than look no further than Okelele Comprehensive Health Center which provides quality care without any over-the-top costs or hassles. Not only do they provide comprehensive medical services but they make sure that every patient is treated with care and respect.
When it comes to visiting hours at Okelele Comprehensive Health Center, they are open from Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. This gives plenty of time for patients to come and get the help they need without having to rush their appointments. It also helps keep their appointments running on time so you can be sure that your appointment will run smoothly and efficiently while getting the best possible care that is available.
Reaching out to this hospital clinic is easy as it is within walking distance from both nearby parking lots as well as public transportation routes like buses and trains that service the area around Abayawo Rd 240101 Location Ilorin, Nigeria. If you have any difficulty finding the hospital or require further directions please feel free to give them a call and they will be more than happy to help guide you in the right direction so that you can receive the much needed medical attention without any hassles or delays.
At Okelele Comprehensive Health Center we understand how important top notch healthcare can be in times of illness or injury, which is why we strive our hardest everyday so that all of our patients leave feeling like nothing but family when coming into our doors. We hope that everyone strives for optimal health by utilizing us whenever possible, ensuring that no one has to suffer unnecessarily due projectile illnesses and injuries due lack of proper medical treatment care