Julius Berger Staff Clinic is a hospital clinic in Lagos, Nigeria that provides an array of medical services for its patients. From preventive healthcare to emergency service, Julius Berger Staff Clinic has got you covered.
The staff at the clinic are passionate about providing world-class care and they are all knowledgeable professionals who strive to provide safe and quality treatment for their patients. Julius Berger Staff Clinic offers a wide range of medical services from general check-ups to specialised treatment such as fertility services, dermatology consultations, psychology assessments, travel advice and vaccinations.
The clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm. Appointments are booked through the website on wwwdotjuliusbergerstaffclinicdotng or by calling +234812 790 1022. The team can also be reached via email at infodotjuliusbergerstaff clinicdotng if you have any questions regarding your treatments or queries related to the services provided by the hospital clinic.
If you’re looking for quality healthcare in Lagos visit Julius Berger Staff Clinic located at 15 Ijora Cause Way Apapa 102272 Location Lagos states. The team will attend to all your needs promptly and professionally so rest assured that you will get personalized attention here every single time!