Primary Health Centre Baksa Nh 31 Barama Kadamtal Barama Assam 781346 India is a premier health clinic providing comprehensive medical care to local patients. Whether you’re seeking treatment for a minor injury or something more serious, the clinic is equipped and staffed to provide comprehensive care, including preventive care services.
What Services does Primary Health Centre Baksa Offer?
The Primary Health Centre Baksa offers a variety of services both inpatient and outpatient, ranging from medical treatments to surgeries. The staff includes highly trained physicians, nurses, and specialists who have years of experience in providing high quality patient care. Services include general medicine and surgery, cardiology, obstetrics/gynecology, psychiatry/mental health services, lab tests/imaging studies along with dietary counseling and nutrition education.
On Which Days Is Primary Health Centre Baksa Operational?
Primary Health Centre Baksa is operational six days a week on Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. The hospital also has an emergency department that stays open 24 hours a day for urgent medical needs. Appointments should be booked ahead to ensure you have an available time slot that fits your schedule and needs.
How To Reach Primary Health Centre Baksa?
Reaching Primary Health Centre Baksa is easy as it is located on National Highway 31 Barama Kadamtal Barama Assam 781346 India with convenient access point via roadways and railway station from surrounding cities and townships also situated near major bus stops and can easily be reached by public transportation including buses and autos. Moreover taxi service providers are available round the clock in the area making it very easy to travel within reasonable fare charges for visitors coming from far off places.