The Reddington Lekki Hospital 15C Admiralty Way Lekki Phase 1 Where Your Health Matters
Having a reliable healthcare provider is essential for ensuring that you stay healthy and happy. The Reddington Lekki Hospital 15C Admiralty Way Lekki Phase 1is a hospital where you can get top-notch medical care services. It is the best place to go if you need expert medical attention or treatment quickly.
Medical Services Offered By Reddington Lekki Hospital
The Reddington Lekki Hospital15C Admiralty Way LekkiPhase1offers a wide range of medical services to ensure that their patients receive quality health care. These include primary healthcare, general practice, paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology, dermatology, cardiologyservices and more. It also offers specialist clinical consultations such as consultation with psychiatrists as well as imaging tests like x-ray scans and CT scans. In addition, it provides laboratory services to help its patients get accurate diagnosis and lab results in no time. The hospital also has an emergency department equipped with trained personnel who are always available to deal with any emergencies or critical cases that may arise at any given time.
On Which Days IsReddingtonLekkiHospitalOperational?
The ReddingtonLekkHospital15CAdmiraltyWayLekkiPhase1operates from Monday – Sunday and from 08:am – 07:pm everyday of the week including nights and weekend sittings. During this period the doctors are available on call for any emergency situations that might arise at any time.
How To ReachReddintonLekiHospital?
reddingtonlekkihospital15cadmiraltywaylekkiphase1is situated in 15C Admiralty Way Leksi Phase 1 in Lagos Nigeria, feel free to visit us anytime during our operational hours for all your medical needs. There buses , tricycles (Keke) or Taxls readily available from anywhere in town within minutes to link up with us here .You can also locate us on google maps by searching for reddington lekki hospital – 15C admiralty way Leksi phase 1 location lagos Nigeria .