Subhani Ortho Trauma Hospital: Top Hospital and Clinic in Brahmapura, Muzaffarpur
Are you looking for world-class medical care in the neighbourhood of Brahmapura, Muzaffarpur? Look no further than Subhani Ortho Trauma Hospital – the leading hospital and clinic that offers comprehensive healthcare solutions. Boasting a team of highly qualified physicians, nurses, technicians and other medical professionals, Subhani provides top-of-the-line medical diagnosis and treatments.
What does Subhani Ortho Trauma Hospital offer?
At Subhani Ortho Trauma Hospital, we offer a plethora of services to make sure patients receive the best care possible. We provide comprehensive facilities like Diagnostic Centre, Consultation Clinics, Pathology Lab and Imaging Centre. The hospital features an up-to-date operating theatre for urgent surgeries as well as an inpatient department with comfortable beds for overnight stay. Our consultants also provide counselling services so that every patient can have access to quality psychological support apart from receiving treatment for their physical ailments.
On what days is Subhani Ortho Trauma hospital operational?
Subhani Ortho Trauma hospital is open seven days a week -from Monday to Sunday. Patients can visit on any of these days from 9am to 6pm or use our online portal to book appointments 24/7.
How can one reach Subhani Ortho Trauma hospital?
Located at Taco Colony Road Brahmapura in Muzaffarpur, reaching Subtahi Ortho trauma Hospital is not difficult at all! You just need to board any local bus towards Hanuman Chowk and get down at Taco Chauraha; from here it’s just 2 minutes walk down Kanchanpathri Street towards the south to reach the landmak that says “Substandi ortho trauma hospital”. Offering easy access by road or public conveyance, getting treated at this clinic won’t be a problem even if you’re out of town!