West Wind Hospital Jericho, located in Ibadan, Nigeria, provides quality medical care to its patients. From general practice to specialist care, this hospital clinic offers a wide range of services. From physical exams and tests to consults with specialists, the team are well-prepared to meet any healthcare needs. West Wind Hospital Jericho also promotes preventive initiatives such as health education seminars and free flu vaccination clinics throughout the year.
On which days is West Wind Hospital Jericho operational? This hospital clinic is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that their patients never have to worry about when they can get timely medical assistance. Whether it’s an emergency situation or just an annual checkup, West Wind Hospital Jericho is always available to provide outstanding service.
How do I reach West Wind Hospital Jericho? To access West Wind Hospital Jericho’s services, all you have to do is follow Amarata Street from Sanmao Plaza past the roundabout and turn left into Jake Road. The hospital clinic will be found on the right hand side after Tecmobot supermarket. This allows for easy access for those living in Ibadan or passing by on public transportation such as taxis or buses.
With convenient location and specialized services catered towards clients’ needs, why not choose West Wind Hospital Jericho next time you need medical attention? Their team of professional doctors paired with their commitment to providing excellent customer service makes them stand out amongst other hospitals in Nigeria. Proficient in English and able to communicate clearly with everyone from children to adults, no matter what your age or nationality is you can rest assure that you’ll be taken care of at West Wind Hospital Jericho!